

About Me:

I am foremost a truth-seeker and graciously, a finder sometimes. A mother to a magical little boy (who I call Acorn Scout), a teacher of yoga, a woods wanderer, a recovering perfectionist, community activist, advocate and supporter of women, writer and fledging artist of my own life. My work has been published at www.rebellesociety.com , Natural Mother magazine and www.Patheos.com.

Visit my yoga website www.delphinayoga.com and www.rivermamasconnect.com (a support community for moms in the west Sonoma county area) for more about my offerings within my community. Contact me at: myunchartedground@gmail.com

This Blog:

Essentially like a long series of post-it notes to myself, I have tried to verbalize here some of the lessons I am learning as I navigate the new territory of motherhood and myself as a mindful being. I shuffle and sway, inching forward and back and often feel suspiciously like I am going in circles (I think we do) to find the same jewels of wisdom but in different places.

I am trying to figure things out but mostly, I am trying to be ok with not figuring things out which may be the whole surreptitious point of … like, everything. What I think I know one day is being deconstructed the next and built up and torn down and built up and torn down until I remember that all that I can know is what is true in this moment. The moment passes and I begin again in the not-knowing. I have had no formal meditation training, I hold no expertise except my own experience and do not subscribe to any specific dogma other than what I find today.

I have shining moments and plenty of not-shining moments and I try to be grateful for and learn from them both. I have a list of things I am constantly working on. If you are in the same kind of boat, welcome. I would love to compare notes. I hope to make my contribution to the online realm of spirituality and parenthood, to offer some encouragement or camaraderie to anyone on a path to greater self-awareness while simultaneously balancing the needs of a family. I also want to write it real. The real stuff, the beautiful and honest stuff, the beautiful and the hard stuff about being a parent that too few people say and more need to hear.

But this is mainly for me. Because I believe there is power in reiterating the truth of one’s own experience. Sharing is the natural outpouring of growth. Authentic sharing can resonate with others but it also does this magical thing of pulling from the ether and solidifying your own self-truths. Speaking things aloud or putting them in writing publicly is potent affirmation and effectual medicine for self-healing and transformation. My vision is connection with other bloggers and a community of spiritual seekers and teachers from whom I can learn more and would love to link here, creating a web of support and encouragement for the path we are each on.

The words you will find here are bits an pieces of inspiration I have gathered from wise teachers, some tools I have found invaluable to my life, and my interpretation of simple truths that have found a real home in me recently. Maybe they will in you too. But most of all, this is just me: stumbling along and hoping to find good company with others who find themselves navigating their own uncharted ground.  


“Your life is your practice. Your spiritual practice does not occur someplace other than in your life right now, and your life is nowhere other than where you are. You are looking for answers, insight, and wisdom that you already possess. Live the life in front of you, be the life you are, and see what you find out for yourself.”  Karen Maezen MillerMomma Zen: Walking the Crooked Path of Motherhood

Acorn Scout


3 thoughts on “About.

  1. I thought you were familiar. I’m so glad you commented so I would come over here and read more of your thoughts. As with your blog, I write primarily for me. Writing is how I process my thoughts. It always has been. And lately, I’m realizing that when I’m in the flow, spirit in some form is writing through me or with me (not sure which yet). It’s fun. Looking forward to reading more as time allows.


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